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5 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I’ve been going crazy trying to find a source for diskbound binding disks. I read up on the Levenger/Rollobind lawsuit, and wonder what you might know about the patent issues from your research.

    I publish a series of garden journals and would love to offer them in a diskbound system, so that people could rearrange the contents. So far I’ve only found disks available in packs of 11 or 12 at most, with the exception of one company that apparently buys out store closeouts and resells the disks. They apparently have a monopoly on these somehow.

    I’m wondering if the big guys Levenger, Big Ideas, etc. have actual proprietary patents on the disks or the system, or if the gloves are off now. Would I be able to have the disks manufactured myself without being sued?

    Any thoughts on this?

    1. Hi Joy, the patents expired decades ago; you can use the system freely, all over the world as you see fit. Anyone who claims proprietary rights is talking through their hat!

  2. Hello! I greatly enjoyed your 2016 article on the history of the discbound industry. I’m a huge fan of the product myself. I’ve been trying to source equipment for producing discbound pages on a commercial basis and really struggling here in the US. I’ve found no commercial printers and even equipment producers do not seem to have die sets. Just thought I’d roll the dice and see if you’re familiar with where to source such equipment?
    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Donique, there are few equipment sets readily available, but the design standards are long out of IP protection so the specification can be circulated freely. We’ll put out some feelers…

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