It’s time for us to announce another give-away here at the United Inkdom Citadel!
Today it’s the Scrikss pen that’s up for grabs – procured in person by our very own Scribble from a trip to Nuremberg’s Insights-X trade fair at the end of last year. This is the Noble 35 that we’re offering up here, and it’s rather lovely to use!
As usual, all the answers are found on the blogs of the United Inkdom bloggers or on the Scrikss website.
Gillian at Pens, Paper, Plans
Scribble at Too Many Pens
Alison at Her Nibs
If you are based in the UK and as fountain-pen-mad as the rest of us at United Inkdom, why don’t you take part?
You just need to answer the following questions:
1) How long is the warranty on a Scrikss pen?
2) What is the finish of the Noble 35 pen that we’re giving away?
3) Which country are Scrikss based?
4) What year was Scrikss founded?
5) Our pen is from the ‘Noble’ range of fountain pens. How many ranges of fountain pens do Scrikss have in total?
Send your answers to The closing date for this give-away will be 21 July. Good luck everybody!