A little bit of history There are so many varieties of Kaweco Sport that it can be hard to keep up, sometimes – so a Sport that looks like something you might have to pursue at speed (were you of a bloodthirsty disposition) is perhaps appropriate. This vulpine edition of the Skyline series of Sports is a recent addition to the more affordable end of the range. So how does it behave when you catch one?
How it looks The shape is, of course, the same as for all Sports. The colour is a reliably foxy dark orange (don’t show it a beagle), with a few silvery highlights. It’s a classy presentation.
How it feels Light and, inevitably, not as substantial as the metal Sports – but it’s not going to fall apart any time soon, and it won’t give you an aching hand after long writing sessions either.
How it fills The Sport has a legion of fans who also own a syringe, and refilling a cartridge is probably the best way to get a decent supply of ink. There is also a tiny push-rod converter, and it actually does work, but the ink capacity is very modest.
Crucially, how it writes… This really does depend upon the nib you choose. Our feeling is that quality control has improved for Kaweco’s standard steel nibs, but for a bit of fun we swapped-in an italic nib from one of the calligraphy Sports (a fairly simple friction-fit operation). That wrote with a with a pleasantly distinctive line which belied the modest price, and we’d love to see it made a standard option in future.
Pen! What is it good for? With a round nib it’s probably a good starter pen, and with an italic nib it could appeal to the more grown-up customer base too.
VFM At under £20, this is decent value – no complaints there.
If this isn’t quite your cup of tea, but almost… Pick a different Sport; there are dozens to choose from!
Our overall recommendation If you like the colour, and you’re already a happy owner of a Sport or two, get one before it bounds over the hedge.
Where to get hold of one There are plenty of online sources for this pen, and even a few bricks-and-mortar sellers too; you’re unlikely to have any difficulty finding one.
This meta-review references:
Thanks to Kaweco for providing some of us with a review sample – Ant liked it so much he bought his own!
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