A little bit of history We’ve covered the affordable-but-quite-nice end of Indian fountain pen production in our previous Fountain Pen Revolution article, but Fosfor is quite a different proposition; the brand is essentially one man, Manoj, hand-making pens from scratch in Pune.How it looks Like a work of art, which is what it is – or, at the very least, the product of expert craftsmanship and painstaking care. The material (polyester, in this case) supports some wildly contrasting colours, and every one is essentially unique.
How it feels Warm, light… and large. This isn’t one for grabbing in a hurry to jot notes; for one thing, it takes a while to unscrew (somewhat to Ruth’s frustration!), and that big #6 nib lends itself to calm composed writing rather than hasty scribbles. Despite the generous proportions, it doesn’t feel overbalanced, and those who like their pens on the big side will find it handles very well.

How it fills This is a straightforward cartridge/converter model, and none the worse for that.
Crucially, how it writes… Of course that depends upon the nib, but the #6 JoWo steel nib which this test unit was fitted with was impressively smooth.
Pen! What is it good for? There’s no clip, and the vivid colour-schemes perhaps don’t naturally lend themselves to the office, so this is perhaps ideal for journalling, note-taking or doodling at home.
VFM It’s not cheap, but it’s far from exorbitant either; prices compare well with hand-made pens from John Twiss or Edison, for example – and so does the quality, we think.
If this isn’t quite your cup of tea, but almost… Well, Manoj takes on personal commissions, if your budget will stretch to bespoke design. His triangular pen, for example, is quite something to behold.
Our overall recommendation If large pens in vibrant hues are your thing, Fosfor pens are worth checking out.
Where to get hold of one Now that’s a little tougher, but you could try Fosfor’s own site of course.
This meta-review references:
- Scribble Monboddo’s hand-written review
- Ian Hedley’s text-and-photos review
- Ruth Hanson’s video review
Give-away To enter, we asked readers for their ideas for what Manoj should consider having a crack at next – whether that was new colours, new shapes, or a return of something old but good. There’s more on that in the comments below…